Dear Husband, I Still Choose You

Dear Husband,

I love you. Although we say these words to each other at least once a day, and hundreds of times throughout the year, I never grow old of hearing them from your lips, nor saying them to you. In fact, every time they’re spoken, they’ve grown far more meaningful throughout the (almost) twenty years we’ve been together.

img_0007Of course we can get on each other’s nerves or frustrate one another. We always love each other, but sometimes we don’t like each other. There are times were I can get too emotional and times where you need to let me talk. Still, I choose you. I still choose to love you forever, my Valentine.

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How Being a Mom of 3 Has Changed Me

I’ve been a mom of three kids (4 years and under) for only four months and I can’t believe how much my life has changed for the better! Honestly the idea of 3 kids all under school-age did have my heart skip a beat. Since I have that A-type personality, I adore organization and order in my home. Yet with three munchkins, I kept thinking of how I was going to maintain what I hold dear. Nevertheless, I’m happy to share how expanding my family has been far more of a blessing than just added “stress”, like some might think. It has changed me.

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Fortify Your Marriage Before It Decays

Just as you would protect your valuables, your marriage should be protected too! We often focus our attention on the things that are clearly visible. For example, our kids need new tennis shoes, the car in the driveway needs to be clean, the living room needs a new paint job, the water filter in the refrigerator needs to be changed and so on. Life can be so demanding, we can forget about the things we cannot see or touch, like our marriages. Yet, marriage is one of the most valuable parts of our lives and the infrastructure of our home, it needs protecting.    Continue reading “Fortify Your Marriage Before It Decays”

How It All Began With Two: The Proposal

img_2575Summer 2002

We had been dating for four years and we were in our last year of College, scheduled to graduate in the Spring of 2003. Although Juan often expressed interest in getting married while we were in College, I often turned down the idea. I didn’t want to be married until we graduated. I had big dreams and I desperately wanted to stay focused on them. Despite my hopes of getting a doctorate degree and my desire for a house to call my own, Juan knew I wanted a long engagement. Time was ticking so he began planning his proposal and working two jobs to pay for my engagement ring.

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Random Acts of Kindness -Advent Calendar

Last year I started a new tradition in our household. I incorporated random acts of kindness with our advent calendar (or countdown to Christmas). As we countdown the days to Christmas, beginning December 1st, we do one random act of kindness each day until Christmas morning.

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Overcoming a Low Self-Esteem

Read the entire post here.

On my birthday, my husband hacked my personal Facebook page and left the most beautiful, uplifting post about me. It was a message that probably gave the impression that I am a perfect woman. Which I am not! Regardless, he went on describing how I am this “superwoman” doing all these amazing things. As I read his post I kept thinking, “How is this me? I am in no way the woman he is describing!” Although his message was sincere and sweet, I had the hardest time reading it. My judgmental radar was up and I began to criticize every word he wrote. I wasn’t looking for any errors on his part, rather it was I who was on the surgery table to be scrutinized.

Continue reading “Overcoming a Low Self-Esteem”

Maciella’s Birth Story

On Sept. 11th, I started my countdown to Maciella’s arrival. She was already 4 days past due, and although I had not felt anything but Braxton Hicks contractions; I was definitely sensing she was going to be making her appearance soon. However, if at all possible, I really didn’t want my baby girl to be born on a day our nation mourned. I wanted her to be free to celebrate her birth without the pull to memorialize the tragic event of 9/11.

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My Last Baby #3 Bumpdate: My Reflections

Honestly I’m shocked! Perhaps not for the reason you think. No, our little Macee hasn’t arrived, which I’m ecstatic about because I really want a September baby. What I am amazed about is my weight gain!

Continue reading “My Last Baby #3 Bumpdate: My Reflections”

Setting Boundaries in Your Marriage

One of the silent killers in many marriages today is the absence of boundaries. We often convince ourselves into thinking they are unnecessary in marriage. Many times, I hear spouses say they don’t want to appear controlling or they don’t want to be controlled. I’ve even heard married couples say, “I should be able to do whatever I want!” Yet the truth is we surrendered our “want” the moment we made a vow to “become as one” with someone else.  Continue reading “Setting Boundaries in Your Marriage”

How It All Began With Two: The Courtship

img_0013It’s amazing for me to believe I have been with Juan, my husband, my best friend, the man of my dreams for nearly 19 years. [Side note: You can expect this to be mushy…it’s my love story after all.] To think I’ve spent more of my life with him than anyone else, including my parents, helps me realize the impact he’s made on me. I’m incredibly thankful to God for orchestrating our paths together. We seriously needed one another (and still do) and not in a dependency kind of way, rather in a way to improve and benefit each other’s lives. Although he is hardly the same guy I met back in 1998, I am more in love with him and appreciate who he is today more than ever before.

Continue reading “How It All Began With Two: The Courtship”